Facial Swelling – Possible Sign of Infection
Localized facial swelling is usually associated with dental swelling and it can be due to a variety of reasons. Some culprits could be gingivitis and gum disease, blockage of the salivary gland openings, medication side-effects, vitamin C deficiency, and some oral cancers. In most cases, a root abscess causes the swelling. At the tip of a root, a pocket of pus has collected caused by bacterial infection of the pulp that has escaped the chamber and exited via the root.
The body tries to fight it off and so pain, swelling and heat manifest causing the bulging of the affected area. It is considered an emergency case and should be treated promptly. It’s a potentially risky situation as the infection can enter the general circulation and spread through the body, causing sepsis or blood poisoning. If your resistance is low, it would be extra difficult for you to surmount it.
Maybe you think it will go away but it is better to be safe. If you can handle the swelling, the pain you probably wont. See your dentist right away who will prescribe some strong antibiotic as a temporary measure, just to lessen the symptoms. The real treatment is removing the source of the infection. The entire tooth is extracted if it is no longer salvageable, or a drainage system created to remove all the pus and the void left sterilized and treated. A root canal therapy is one such option. Know that abscesses do not only happen at root tips, but bacterial invasion can also cause swelling of the gums. This is not a root abscess this time but a tooth abscess.
Nonetheless, you’ll still need the protection of your antibiotic, you can be given painkillers, be asked to carry on with good oral hygiene practices, and lastly, to stay hydrated and eat nutritious foods.
Prompt Treatment with Auburn Dentist
Your Auburn dentist tells you not to ignore any localized facial swelling. Expect to be treated right way should this unfortunate dental emergency happen.