Plastic Aligners for Crooked Teeth

Desperately seeking Solutions

You refer to them as crooked teeth or those misaligned, crowded teeth along the dental arch that have post increasing problems for your teenager. Some have discolored, beginning caries, drifted away, or their opposing teeth starting to misalign. You worry as a parent about your child’s poor hygiene practices and wrong eating habits; not to mention about his self-esteem and overall health.

Right off you are sure the teenager will need braces, those uncomfortable metal protrusions that might be just as bad as the crooked condition itself.
No need to worry.

Bring your child to our Auburn Avenue Dental Clinic where a better alternative to metal braces has been suited to many patients – teenagers and adults alike – so far. Results have been remarkably the same as when employing the old reliable, but this time Invisalign® proved more convenient and comfortable.

Invisalign® Difference in Auburn

Your teenager will be fitted with one carefully customized to his unique dental condition. Made of clear, smooth yet sturdy plastic, Invisalign is worn over the teeth, almost unnoticeable, and sets the straightening process in place.

It is replaced over a scheduled period as the teeth starts to align and gets accustomed to their new places. It is removable and highly cleanable. Above all, Invisalign is a painless, no-discomfort appliance that allows the wearer freer access to better hygiene and eating pleasures.

Then again, the effectiveness of the treatment is in great measure in the hands of your qualified and experienced Auburn dentist. Come for an appointment and see if your teen is a suitable Invisalign candidate.

The Importance of Cleaning Your Tongue

As important as it is to brush and floss, your teeth are not the only part of your mouth where bacteria can thrive. The surface of your tongue is coated with the same bacteria, which is slowly developing the same plaque that eats away at your gums and enamel. If you fail to clean your tongue regularly, you are putting yourself at unnecessary risk of decay and gum disease, while simultaneously fostering bad breath.

Fortunately, tongue-scraping is a very easy process. Try brushing the top of your tongue once a day in the same way you brush your teeth. If you find this to be uncomfortable, or have trouble suppressing your gag reflex as you brush towards the back of your mouth, consider looking for a tongue scraper at your local drugstore. Such products are specially designed to more efficiently and more comfortably remove the plaque from your tongue.

If you have any further questions about tongue-scraping, make an appointment with our Auburn dentist. We can help you to get the most out of your regular oral hygiene routine.

Making Your Kids Comfortable at the Dentist’s Office

It’s never good when a household is plagued with violence and hostility. When family members lash out at each other, it can cause stress, low self-esteem, and lasting emotional problems that can affect a child’s ability to relate to others for years to come. The damage doesn’t end there, either. Even your oral health can suffer when your home life isn’t what it should be.

This is according to a study conducted by New York University, which demonstrated that people from troubled households are at higher risk of cavities and missing teeth. Regardless of socioeconomic position, women exhibit an average of 3.5 more cavities, men an average of 5.3 more cavities, and children an average of 1.9 additional cavities for every above-average statistical increase in one parent’s aggression towards the other. This remained true for both verbal and physical domestic violence.

It is likely that this results from the toxic environment created by domestic violence. Such an environment is conducive of stress and depression, both of which undermine regular routines like brushing and flossing. Meanwhile, people in such situations have a tendency to turn to sugary comfort foods and binge eating.

If you live in a stressful household, do the right thing for your dental health. Our Auburn dentist can help to give you the proper dental care that you deserve.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Our Auburn dentists are proud to be able to offer sleep apnea treatment for our patients. This unfortunate condition affects the lives of many Americans, many of whom don’t even know that anything is wrong. It can sap your energy, increasing stress levels and contributing to heart disease, so be on the lookout if you think you may be at risk.

Sleep apnea is a condition in which you frequently stop breathing while you sleep. This forces your brain to wake up, often only partially, so as to start the air flowing again. You could potentially have your sleep cycle interrupted throughout the night without even being aware of it. If you think you might have sleep apnea, look for the following symptoms:

  • You’re prone to loud snoring.
  • Your partner reports that your breathing occasionally stops while you sleep.
  • You sometimes wake up suddenly, choking or gasping for air.
  • You frequently wake up with a sore or dry throat in the morning.
  • You sleep restlessly, or suffer from insomnia.
  • You are unusually sleepy during the day, even if you think you got a full night’s sleep.
  • You suffer from frequent morning headaches.
  • You experience forgetfulness and changes in mood.

Sleep apnea is very difficult to diagnose, and can only be properly identified by a medical professional. To find out more about sleep apnea and to explore your options for getting treatment, contact Auburn Avenue Dental.

How to Make your White Teeth Last Longer

When you need to get rid of the stains on your teeth, you can call our Auburn dental clinic for a whitening. But how can you keep your teeth from staining more in the future? Unfortunately, tooth-staining substances are all around us, so much so that you can’t reasonably expect to avoid them all. Common staining agents include the following:

  • Tea. This is particularly true of common dark teas, but even herbal white tea has the potential to erode your enamel and leave its stain upon your teeth.
  • Coffee. Tannins in the coffee build up on the enamel.
  • Any kind of smoking or nicotine use. Nicotine causes the yellow teeth.
  • Sodas, colored and flavored beverages. We’ve all seen the blue tongues.
  • Berries. Not only can they stain your tongue, the strong pigmentation present in berries are also in jellies, jams, juices, and the dark wines that they go into.
  • Colorful candies and other sweets.

Obviously, this list represents not only a lot of common indulgences for many people, but also many of the very healthiest substances you can eat. Therefore, instead of cutting these all out of your diet, consider some easy stain-fighting practices that can allow you to enjoy your favorites without tarnishing your smile. You can drink your more colorful drinks through a straw, not letting them linger among your teeth. Keep a glass of water handy as you enjoy staining foods to help you rinse away pigments before they can settle. And remember, when all else fails you can always count on our dentist at Auburn Avenue Dental!

The Effects of Smoking on Your Oral Health

It’s no mystery that smoking is bad for you. You’re probably familiar enough with it’s potential to give you lung cancer, high blood pressure, and similar issues. However, it can also take its toll heavily on your teeth and gums.

Indeed, the smoke that you inhale is very harsh on the delicate tissues in your mouth. As you smoke, you may find that your gums slowly recede. Meanwhile, as the smoke dries out your mouth and impairs your ability to produce saliva, you’re less able to protect yourself from bacteria. This is to say nothing of the heavy staining it inflicts on your teeth, the poor circulation, and the heightened risk of oral cancer that you are subjecting yourself to.

Further, as bad as smoking is for your own teeth, the people around you are suffering many of the same problems from the secondhand smoke. For your own sake, and for the sake of your friends and family, do what you can to kick the habit! Talk to our Auburn dentist to learn more about how you can be getting the best out of your oral health.

Auburn Avenue Dental: Pediatric Dental Care

Children’s Dental Well-being

Pediatric dentists are not just the teeth doctors for children but also serve as educators for the children’s parents. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that as soon as a child reaches one year old, he should be acquainted already with his dentist. They advocate that early detection is important to maintain oral health, to pave the way to convert bad habits to good, and to treat all cases as necessary and as simple as can be.

Auburn Avenue Dental extends the same tenets to children and their parents. Our clinic is a child-friendly and safe environment for infants, toddlers, and teens, with the amenities to keep them joyfully engaged and comfortable. We have a full complement of staff who are dedicated to

Our Auburn dentists have the skills and qualifications to manage and treat children’s oral problems – teeth, gums, and the entire oral cavity – throughout their developmental years. We take pains to assure and educate our patients’ parents and guardians. It is essential that information about their charges’ special needs are understood and managed. We give programs for basic oral hygiene, caries and gum assessment, preventive advice for injuries to the teeth and mouth, proper diet, and information on growth and development.

Hence, it is also the parents’ responsibility to build the proper foundation for their child’s oral care. Choosing Auburn Avenue Dental is just that good start.

Auburn Dentist says: Quit Smoking

From Color to Cancer

Dental professionals, as our Auburn dentists, will encourage the smoker to kick the habit. Teeth show the visible signs of this deadly addiction quite clearly. Cigarettes’ nicotine and tar components attach themselves to tooth surfaces, become sticky and attract food debris and bacteria. They become colonized areas where underneath the decay cavities form, usually in the backs of the teeth and under the gums. Hardened and resistant to routine brushing and flossing, they turn brownish. The decrease saliva flow of smokers is incapable of hydrating the mouth or washing away cigarette debris.

Apart from the yellowish coloring of tooth surfaces and the accompanying undesirable breath, more serious effects of smoking are predictable. Smokers have a higher risk for gingivitis and periodontal disease. Their oral healing capacities are delayed, salivary glands are blocked, and loss of bone in their jaws is hastened. This is not to mention the risk for oral cancer – which may involve the throat, tongue, jaw bone, or floor of the mouth. Not a pretty picture.

Quitting starts now: Dentists of Auburn

Your dentists of Auburn, from the Auburn Avenue Dental Clinic, are a bunch of caring, like-minded professionals towards smoker-patients. Come over for a cleaning and, possibly, a whitening to start you off fresh. Our dentists can give counsel, prescribe some smoking-cessation meds, or recommend support groups or alternative healing; whatever works for you. Routine oral hygiene should still be a must. And, lovingly, though sternly, they will tell you to quit.

Plastic Aligners for Crooked Teeth

Desperately seeking Solutions

You refer to them as crooked teeth or those misaligned, crowded teeth along the dental arch that have post increasing problems for your teenager. Some have discolored, beginning caries, drifted away, or their opposing teeth starting to misalign. You worry as a parent about your child’s poor hygiene practices and wrong eating habits; not to mention about his self-esteem and overall health. Right off you are sure the teenager will need braces, those uncomfortable metal protrusions that might be just as bad as the crooked condition itself.

No need to worry. Bring your child to our Auburn Avenue Dental Clinic where a better alternative to metal braces has been suited to many patients – teenagers and adults alike – so far. Results have been remarkably the same as when employing the old reliable, but this time Invisalign® proved more convenient and comfortable.

Invisalign® Difference in Auburn

Your teenager will be fitted with one carefully customized to his unique dental condition. Made of clear, smooth yet sturdy plastic, Invisalign is worn over the teeth, almost unnoticeable, and sets the straightening process in place. It is replaced over a scheduled period as the teeth starts to align and gets accustomed to their new places. It is removable and highly cleanable. Above all, Invisalign is a painless, no-discomfort appliance that allows the wearer freer access to better hygiene and eating pleasures.

Then again, the effectiveness of the treatment is in great measure in the hands of your qualified and experienced Auburn dentist. Come for an appointment and see if your teen is a suitable Invisalign candidate.

Your Genetics and Your Dental Care

Do you ever feel that you have a harder time of keeping up good oral health than those around you? The unfortunate truth is that, even if you are diligent in your brushing and flossing, some people simply have genetic tendencies towards dental problems. These can come in numerous forms, including the following:

  • Some people have a genetic disposition to gingivitis. If many people in your family have suffered from gingivitis, you may have similar problems.
  • A bleeding disorder can be genetic, and such disorders have unfortunate implications on your dental care.
  • Crooked teeth can be the result of genetics. If there are a lot of braces in your family, you may need to get braces as well.
  • There are some disease that tend to run in families. Diabetes, for example, can be inherited from your parents, and has unfortunate effects on your oral health.

If you have a genetic tendency towards bad oral health, talk to our Auburn dentist. There are ways we can work to accommodate your problem and get the best out of your dental treatments.