Do you have a child with a loose tooth? This can be an exciting time for a child, but it can also be somewhat uncomfortable. After all, the looser your tooth becomes, the more difficult it can be to chew food. So, when is it appropriate to get in there and yank the offending primary tooth out?
In general, it is best to allow a tooth to fall out on its own. Your child’s mouth is a very delicate place, and it is difficult to yank out a loose tooth without doing unnecessary damage to the surrounding gums. If you are concerned that the tooth may come out at a bad time and be swallowed by your child, don’t worry; the tooth should be small enough that it will pass harmlessly from his or her system.
It’s only when a permanent tooth begins to come in under a tooth before it has come out that you should think about taking special measures. At this point, there is some risk of the permanent tooth coming in improperly. Talk to our dentist in Auburn to learn more about dealing with a loose tooth.