Dental Implants

A dental implant is a form of restorative dentistry offered by our Auburn Dentist that serves as a permanent replacement of one or more missing teeth. Unlike dentures, which rest on top of your gums, an implant is attached directly to your jawbone. They are sturdy and reliable, able to handle any food that you are accustomed to eating with your natural teeth. If properly cared for, they can also last you a lifetime.

A single implant can be used to replace a single tooth, or several implants can be used in conjunction with bridgework to replace two or more teeth. In this way, an entire mouth can be rebuilt.

The Dental Implant Procedure

The first step in installing a dental implant is to insert a titanium screw into your jaw beneath the spot where the implant is to go. The screw is drilled directly into the jaw bone, which will then fuse around it and provide for a solid, reliable foundation for your new tooth. Once this is done, the exposed top of the screw is affixed with an abutment. This abutment is the foundation upon which your dentist will build a porcelain crown designed to resemble your original tooth.

Auburn Avenue Dental provides restorative services for patients from throughout the Auburn area. Book an appointment online or call us today at (253) 833-3680.